Rest. Recover. Return.

We are dedicated to helping swimmers stay in the water. 

Avoid missing practice time with your team, learn how & when to modify workouts, and reduce/prevent pain without medications, injections or surgery.  

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It Takes a Swimmer to Understand a Swimmer's Injury.

My name is Dr. Chelsea Smith, Physical Therapist, and I have been swimming since I was 3 years old. In high school, I began to struggle with completing workouts due to shoulder aching and discomfort. With little guidance for managing this, I simply began to pull away from focusing on speed progression and moved into more leadership and coaching roles.

After completing physical therapy school, I began training for triathlons. During my swim training, I realized that my new understanding of body mechanics, joint dysfunction, and load progression had significantly improved my tolerance for swim training. I found myself thinking "I wish I knew this in high school!".

The Resilient Swimming Method.

Swim diagnosis specific programming developed by Dr. Chelsea Smith, PT, DPT and expert personal trainer Blaike Woodruff to help reduce current discomfort, prevent future injury, and ensure optimal performance both in and out of the pool. Simply choose the category that fits you best and work through our 16 week programs as an adjunct to or temporary replacement of your current dry land programming and swim regimen. This does not replace medical care, and it is advised to speak with a healthcare professional prior to initiating.

Level Up Your Swimming TODAY

Meet Our Team!

Stay in the water with poolside & online injury management.

Alexa Rivera

Alexa swam competitively for 15 years and is a first-year physical therapy student. She is a South Florida Native, swimming for a few club teams there, and swam 4 years in college at Bryant University! She majored in psychology and is passionate about advocating for mental health in the swim community! 

Dr. Chelsea Smith, PT

Dr. Smith swam competitively for 13 years, instructed swim lessons for 10 years, and coached competitive swimming for 6 years. She is now back into swimming herself for fitness and triathlon training.

Lia Barskey M.S.

Lia swam competitively for 17 years and obtained her Masters degree in High Altitude Exercise Physiology. Originally from Texas, she swam for Colorado Mesa University for 2 years where she previously graduated with a degree in Exercise Science. 

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This blog is brought to you by Dr. Chelsea Smith, Physical Therapist. No topic is off limits in the discussions about real life, swim injuries, strategies for recovery, and preventing injury in the future.


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